Matina Papadaki is a PhD Candidate at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a Researcher at AthensPIL. Her doctoral research focuses on the reconceptualization of general principles of law in international law. She holds an LL.M (i) from the University of Cambridge and a bachelor on International and European Relations with emphasis on Public International law.
She has been a Visiting Researcher to iCourts Copenhagen (August to September 2019) and has worked as Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Luxembourg, as Researcher of International Law, where she was also Commissioning Coordinator and Copy Chief (2016–2018) to the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro). She also worked as a Research assistant to (Emeritus) Professor Emmanuel Roucounas in the Bureau of International and Constitutional Institutions at the Academy of Athens, and as a researcher in EU funded projects in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Matina also interned as alegal assistant to Special Rapporteur Sir Michael Wood of the UN International Law Commission on the topic ‘Identification of customary international law’ (67th session, 2015), and provided legal research and administrative assistance to the 75th Session of the Institut de Droit International (2011).
Her main research interests include general international law, dispute settlement, legal history and theory.
e-mail: matina1ath[at]gmail[dot]com