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Dr Maria-Louiza Deftou is a Research Fellow at Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) and an active researcher at the Athens Public International Law Center (AthensPIL) with a multifold involvement in academic life.  She has participated in a number of EU-funded research and teaching projects:  as a teaching associate in the European Union Jean Monnet Module ‘Migration Flows: Challenges and Perspectives under International and EU Law’ and as a research and teaching associate in the Jean Monnet Network programme ‘Migration and Asylum Policies Systems (MAPS)’ (2019-2022). Currently, she is participating in two projects funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI): the ‘Borderless Challenges: Redefining Sovereignty’ (2020-2022) and the “EU Maritime Security Post-2020” (2021-2024). She holds a PhD from the School of Law of the National and Kapodistian University of Athens, a LLB from the same university and a Master 2 Research in Human Rights Law from Université Lumière Lyon 2. Dr Deftou has also taught international law and international human rights law at the School of Law of the University of Athens and published extensively in these fields of law. Besides her academic interest, she has also worked for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM-UN Migration) and as a practising attorney at law (Athens Bar Association).  Her first monograph, titled “Exporting the European Convention on Human Rights”, was published by Hart Publishing in 2022.

Email: mardeftou[at]law.uoa[dot]gr.