The Athens Public International Law Center (Athens PIL) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Law is hosting a Colloquium on ‘International Investment Law & State Capitalism’ which will take place on 15 and 16 October 2020 in Athens, Greece.
The organizers of the Colloquium invite scholars working in the relevant fields to submit abstracts of a conceptual, theoretical and empirical nature on the following, broadly defined areas:
A. The Foundations of International Economic Order in the Age of State Capitalism
B. Sovereign Investors in the Age of State Capitalism
C. Inward and Outward Sovereign Investments in the Age of State Capitalism
D. Arbitrating Sovereign Investment Disputes in the Age of State Capitalism: procedural issues
E. Arbitrating Sovereign Investment Disputes in the Age of State Capitalism: merits issues
See the call here
Authors are invited to submit abstracts of original papers which are neither published nor accepted for publication when the Colloquium takes place, by 15 March 2020. Abstracts must not exceed 800 words, must be anonymous and not identify the name or affiliation of the author(s) in the abstract, the title, or the name of the document, and must be submitted to the following email addresses: agourg[at]law.uoa[dot]gr; gdimitropoulos[at][dot]qa; and P.Delimatsis[at]uvt[dot]nl.