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Eleni is a research associate for international law at the University of Glasgow, School of Law, and an LL.M. by research student (part-time), examining the allocation of damage caused by an internationally wrongful act among multiple responsible actors. She studied law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Freie Universität Berlin, and holds an LL.M. with specialization in international law from the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College (Class I, 2016).
As a research associate at Glasgow, Eleni is currently working as an assistant editor for the 3rd edition of The Statute of the International Court of Justice: A Commentary (eds Christian J Tams and Andreas Zimmermann, OUP). She is also involved as a legal researcher in several other projects of the international law research group at Glasgow on global security, the law of treaties and the law of international organizations. Eleni has written on a range of international law topics, including international economic and criminal law, the role of domestic courts as ‘sources’ and ‘enforcers’ of international law and jurisdictional immunities.

Eleni's Full Profile

e-mail: e.methymaki.1[at][dot]uk